Do you some times wish that Rayman would go back to that great side scroller that it once was? Or that Mortal Kombat would return as a great 2d fighter? That Twisted Metal one of the greatest car battling games for Sony entertainment system would reemerge to the gaming scene? Well worry no more; they are here. I would like to start off by saying that the new Rayman game will be called " Rayman Origin". The game will use a whole different type of art style, inviting more co-op game play and showing how Rayman started life before his story begins. I was excited to see how it goes back to the fast paced gameplay. Mortal Kombat has come back to its successful roots by not trying to add something to already perfect remedies of magic and brutality. It returns to the classic finishers and the oh so awesome haunted forest, adding a few new stages, and the classic tag team battles. Now we all know we were waiting for Twisted Metal to return to the Ps3. The constant talk about their last game "Twisted Metal Black" (which should be picked up by anyone that has a Ps2) will be outdone by its new predecessor "Twisted Metal" . The trailer shows not just one clown running the show, but a clan of misfits and mishaps on different motor vehicles. This E3 has brought nothing but joy to my heart showing me that the gaming world has not just settled for nice graphics and okay game play. I think this is a great start for the gaming industry. They have returned my friends...They have returned.