Friday, March 26, 2010


Different girls bring us guys different types of stress. Some times you feel like you cant escape there constant barrage but the hardest girl to deal with... is a girl that texts!! Their attacks are some times constant like every minute or they use this crappy "day rule" where they wont text you for a certain amount of days unless you text them. If you don't text them in that time period they ask you questions like this, "hey =/" , "you dnt text me any more =(", "did i do something wrong" or the worst in the world "hey i just saw your number on my phone and just wanted to text".... come on . Some times I like the chase but damn really! After the 5th time girls do that I'm done and I start with the one word text for example .. "yep"...."great"..."ok". Also girls text you at the worst times like in school or at work and if you don't text back in that moment or you text them kinda late they say "well you missed me its to late" or "im texting some one else". If they say these things either they move on to the next dude...ho ....I'm sorry..I'm sorry... HO! or they just want you to get pissed. Don't beg or text back saying "well text me back" just say OK and don't text back. Don't sit there looking at your phone like a puppy waiting for a meal. go talk to your friends or talk to your family or just turn off your phone so you don't freak out about whether shes going to text you back or not . I have learned if you keep telling girls how nice , pretty, and smart they are they think you will just hang around like a sweater in the summer waiting for winter time .. hell naw some times you just have to get back to yourself and turn your awesome gland up. In the end girls will respect you .